
This section collects various notes for package users and developers as well as caveats related to the trading functionality.

Functionality notes

  • Order placement time in backtesting: Controlled by s_pnow signal. For example, set it to the Open-price of the OHLC-signal to fill orders at the opening of the next OHLC timestep.
  • Single action per timestep: If e.g. a sell-order is initiated at a timestep t, position update (if the corresponding order is complete) is the only action that would take place at t+1. This behavior differs from quantstrat backtesting where a sequence such as sell(t), buy(t+1), sell(t+2) is possible (an example of that in quantstrat can be found if running the full date range of OHLC_BA.csv in test/quantstrat/goldencross/quantstrat_goldencross.R, with 3 sequential transactions around 2012-09-06).

Developer notes

Run all tests and re-generate API documentation before each commit to the master branch.

Run tests (Julia, package root directry e.g. ~/.julia/v0.3/TradingLogic):

using TradingLogic

Re-generate docstrings (Julia):

using Lexicon, TradingLogic

# verify docstring parsing list

# generate Markdown documentation file
save("docs/api.md", TradingLogic)

Generate rst-file for the documentation system (shell):

pandoc --from=markdown --to=rst --output=docs/source/api.rst docs/api.md

Commit once each of these steps is error-free.